Strict action should entail banning of license for a season if the shack is in gross violations for the the rules and regulations of operations. http:...

After Ockhi & supermoon, shack owners’ body pegs losses at Rs 70L
What about the other stake holders on our beaches, the water sport operators, the traditional fishermen who have their boats and nets on the beaches ....

Its boom shack – a -laka again
The shacks have really not learnt their lessons, many if not all have started rebuilding the and are even open for business and what have they done in...

Poor business as no foreigners, complain shack owners
Let the season go by and then the actual picture will be clearer. &nb...

After Ockhi, storm brewing among shack owners after losses
The shack owners are well capable of bearing the losses from the recent disaster. However the government has to made promises of compensation and they...

Cyclone leaves sand erosion and damaged beach shacks in its wake
Everybody including TTAG seems to be giving their two bits of advice . Has TTAG ever spoken of the violations that its member hotels indulge in ? Its ...